Home Recordings

For those of you who don’t know, besides photographs I also collect vintage amateur recordings- mostly Voice-O-Graphs (the coin-op booth where you could record your own record for a quarter) but other home recording devices as well. I’ve started digitizing them and have posted a bunch to SoundCloud (link) if you have any interest in listening. Beware- I do have a fetish for very damaged vinyl!

Some American Landscapes

My images to scan pile is getting unwieldy so I thought I’d put together a little show of landscape-ish photos most of which I’ve gotten in the last year or so. Click here to see them all. P.S. as there are a number of panoramas it’s probably best viewed on your desktop.



When Meat was Cheap and Other Stories by Mary Clarke

In honor of National Poetry Month I thought I’d post a selection of captioned photos taken from two albums put together by Mary Clarke of Lowville, NY in the 1910’s/20s. The photos are fairly ordinary but her captions are fantastic- you get the usual puns, some limericks, and a bunch of the most enigmatic captions I’ve ever seen. Click here to see them all.

2018 Year in Review Part 2: Gravity

My review of photos I purchased in 2018 continues with a plethora of pics of people falling, hanging, jumping, and diving. I can’t quite believe I got this many last year so I suspect a few might be from late 2017 that I somehow never got around to scanning. Whatever the case may be you can see them all here.